I normally don't use an IDE for Python development. The majority of my day is spent inside my SciTE editor.
However, Sun recently released NetBeans IDE 6.5 for Python, and I figured I would give it a try. So far I really like it. The Python support works well. It has syntax highlighting, code complete, debugger, integrated console, etc. Overall, it is a comprehensive and nicely designed IDE.
NetBeans is a full featured development environment and supports:
Ajax | C/C++ | Databases | Debugger | Desktop | Editor | Groovy | GUI Builder | Java EE | JavaFX | Java ME | Java SE | JavaScript | Mobile | PHP | Profiler | Python | Refactor | REST | Rich Client Platform | Ruby | SOA | SOAP | UML | Web | WSDL | XML
The IDE is written in Java so I thought it would be dog slow, but it's pretty snappy to work with.
I've decided I will try it for a week and then decide whether to use it as my main dev environment.
Anyone else using NetBeans for Python development?

I am currently using Eclipse IDE with pydev extensions and so far it was good. not brilliant but good enough. I am using it on linux, because I can't use Textmate there. But I would use anything with textmate on mac. I think you can say it about your SciTE.
I've been trying Netbeans out for a short while. I like it. It's easy to use and easy on the eyes. The built-in SCC tool is well done. The import and unused variable warnings are really sweet. I also like the way it fills in method parameters for you. It reminds me of PyDev without all the Eclipse trash and the "bolted-on" feel.
Its autocomplete, shell and class browser could use some more work, but it's a pretty solid job for a preview release.
I currently using Netbeans and Vim for my current python web development.
Althought it has some issues I don't like as it does not show the files in the main packages or that you can't filter some kinds of fields I pleased to work with it.
Code completion is smarter than the Eclipse+IDE one, I like very much how templates work.
It also works like quit well on my PPC 64 running on IBM JDK. Eclipse+pyDev has lots of problems running on this system.
So I'm giving Netbeans a chance and actually I'm quite happy with the election.
I've been using it for Ruby dev, and Komodo for the tiny bit of Python dabbling I do. I'll have to give it a try, it would be nice to consolidate Java/Ruby/Python in one place
A friend of mine is using it for PHP development and is really starting to enjoy it. I do wish that IntelliJ IDEA would support more languages - I find it to be the most well-polished IDE out there.
VIM all the way. I have tried all these IDE's and if you are a hard core keyboard user the first second you place your dominant hand on a mouse you are inefficient, like it or not. These IDE's teach you to be a care bear mouse user that is inefficient.
Yes, you can code fold, track variables, etc and do lots of other amazing things. For very large projects I completely see the need. For instance, 1000+ lines of code.
I've been using NetBeans for Python, Jython & jRuby. It's the best option I've found on Windows but it really has usability issues - e.g. the spastic switching between output windows when deploying a web app means that it hides compile errors, keyboard focus has a substantial random element and the UI doesn't always sync well so you can get error indicators in a margin or file badge which don't show up if you hit the "Next error..." hotkey.
The verdict: it's good by Windows standards but I'm still using TextMate on my Mac for serious work until they get some UI polish.
I hate PyDev, som Im looking forward to trying out NetBeans. Another IDE well worth checking it is WingIDE. It costs money, but it's very good and the developers are friendly
I am using netbeans specially with tkinter but ttk import is not working can you please tell me what might be going wrong
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