In my last two blog posts, I showed examples of using Selenium WebDriver to capture screenshots, and running in a headless (no X-server) mode.
This example combines the two solutions to capture screenshots inside a virtual display.
To achieve this, I use a combination of Selenium WebDriver and pyvirtualdisplay (which uses xvfb) to run a browser in a virtual display and capture screenshots.
the setup you need is:
On Debian/Ubuntu Linux systems, you can install everything with:
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip xvfb xserver-xephyr $ sudo pip install selenium
once you have it setup, the following code example should work:
#!/usr/bin/env python from pyvirtualdisplay import Display from selenium import webdriver display = Display(visible=0, size=(800, 600)) display.start() browser = webdriver.Firefox() browser.get('') browser.save_screenshot('screenie.png') browser.quit() display.stop()
this will:
- launch a virtual display
- launch Firefox browser inside the virtual display
- navigate to
- capture and save a screenshot
- close the browser
- stop the virtual display
How to make it just capture at the failure point ? and do you have any idea to capture video of the tests ? :)
This is far and away the simplest solution for automated browser screenshots I've seen.
Quite why it's so complex I have no idea.
Have you looked at PhantomJS? It can do this and much more :)
@Panggi - add the screen capture code to an exception handler for the test case to execute when asserts fail.
@ahaxopet - The problem there is that it's not using an actual browser, so you can't fully test compatibility with Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc... just against their JS library.
This is a simple solution that provides accurate results with even the latest HTML5/SVG features.
I've been struggling with wkhtmltopdf and phantomjs compatibility issues for a long time.
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