SST (selenium-simple-test) is a web test framework that uses Python to generate functional browser-based tests.
Version 0.2.0 Released!
SST version 0.2.0 is on PyPI:
install or upgrade with:
pip install -U sst
SST Docs:
SST on Launchpad:
Development Update
So... what's up with SST development? is it active?
I ran Gource against the trunk branch and created an awesome visualization (with soundtrack!) to show off development activity:
video: link (with soundtrack)
video: link (no soundtrack)
The magic incantation of `gource` to produce the video:
$ gource \ -s .3 \ -1280x720 \ --auto-skip-seconds .3 \ --multi-sampling \ --stop-at-end \ --hide mouse,progress \ --file-idle-time 0 \ --max-files 0 \ --background-colour 222222 \ --font-size 20 \ --logo docs/assets/sst-logo_small.png \ --title "SST Development - lp:selenium-simple-test" \ --output-ppm-stream - \ --output-framerate 30 \ | ffmpeg -y -r 30 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i - -b 2048K movie.mp4
(rendered on Ubuntu 11.10, audio mixed with Pitivi)